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Journal articles, magazine articles and chapters in books/reports

Unpublished papers and notes

Books authored and co-authored by Richard

Published papers


Value for Money. How to improve wellbeing and reduce misery (with D.Frayman, C. Krekel, S. MacLennan and I.Parkes). CEP Special Report #44. LSE, September 2024.


Do wages underestimate the inequality in workers' rewards? The joint distribution of job quality and wages across occupations (with Clark, A. E., Cotofan, M.). Economica, 91(362), 497-546. 2024.


Wellbeing: science and policy (with J.E. De Neve). CentrePiece Magazine (Summer 2023). CEP, LSE, June 2023. 


A new science of wellbeing will change policy and decision making (with J.E. De Neve). Impact of Social Sciences Blog. LSE. March 2023


The Happiness Agenda: The Next 10 Years. (with Helliwell, J. F. & Sachs, J. D.) World Happiness Report, 2023. Sustainable Development Solutions Network, March 2023.


Policy Stringency and Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Longitudinal Analysis of Psychological Distress and Life Evaluations in 15 Countries.” (with Aknin, L. B., Andretti, B., … & Zaki, J.) Lancet Public Health, 7(5). Elsevier, May 2022.


“Mental Health During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review and Recommendations for Moving Forward.” (with L.B. Aknin, J.E. De Neve… Yanis Ben Amor) , The Lancet’s COVID-19 Commission Mental Health Task Force, Perspectives on Psychological Science. SAGE January 2022.


The True Returns to the Choice of Occupation and Education (with A.E. Clark and M. Cotofan),CEP Discussion Paper No. 1746. 2021


Wellbeing as the Goal of Policy. LSE Public Policy Review, 2(2). 2021.


A local community course that raises wellbeing and pro-sociality: Evidence from a randomised controlled trial, (with Krekel, C. De Neve, J.E. & Fancourt, D.). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol.188, 2021, pp.322-336.


Living Long and Living Well: The WELLBY Approach (with E. Oparina), World Happiness Report 2021, New York SDSN, 2021.


Taking a wellbeing years approach to policy choice (with De Neve, A.E. Clark, Krekel and O’Donnell). BMJ Vol 371. 2020.


A happy choice: wellbeing as the goal of government (with Frijters, A.E. Clark and Krekel). Journal of Behavioural Public Policy, Vol 4(2). Cambridge University Press. 2020.


Global Happiness and Wellbeing Policy Report, (Helliwell, J. F., R. Layard and J. Sachs eds.) New York, NY, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. 2019.


'Transparency about the outcomes of mental health services (IAPT approach): an analysis of public data.', (with David M Clark, Lauren Canvin, John Green, Richard Layard, Stephen Pilling and Magdalena Janecka) Lancet, vol. 391(10121), pp. 679-686. 2018. 


'Is it time for a dedicated tax to fund the NHS?', (Layard, R. and J. Appleby). BMJ, vol. 356. 2017.


'The key determinants of happiness and misery',  (with Clark, A.E., Fleche, S., Powdthavee, N., and Ward, G.) in (Helliwell, J. F., R. Layard and J. Sachs Eds.), World Happiness Report 2017, New York: UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.


'Do more of those in misery suffer from poverty, unemployment or mental illness?', (with Sarah Flèche) Kyklos, 70(1), Pages 27-41, 2017.


How to make policy when happiness is the goal" (with O'Donnell, G.). Chapter 4 in J. F. Helliwell, R. Layard and J. Sachs (eds) .World Happiness Report 2015.  New York, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, 2015.


"What predicts a successful life? A life-course model of well-being", (with A.E. Clark, F. Cornaglia, N. Powdthavee and J. Vernoit). The Economic Journal, vol. 124(F720-738), 2014.


Wellbeing and policy. O'Donnell, G., Deaton, A., Durand, M., Halpern, D., & Layard, R. London: Legatum Institute, 2014.


 “Mental Health: the new frontier for labour economics”, in D. McDaid, and C.L. Cooper  (eds) Wellbeing: A complete reference guide Volume 5 (The economics of wellbeing), Wiley-Blackwell, 2014. See also Mental health: the new frontier for labour economics. IZA J Labor Policy 2, 2 (2013).


Complete list of publications can be found in Richard Layard's CV.

Working papers and mimeos


The Economics of Mental Health. 2023.  (642)


CEP Insights: The science of wellbeing. 2022. (586)


Utilitarians vs Aristotelians. 2022. (599).


LSE Public Policy Blog - Why wellbeing should be the goal of policy. January 2022. (593)


Make Wellbeing the Goal for 2022. 2021. (592).


Selected COVID-19 writings: Job Retention and Work Sharing, (2020); The next phase of furlough, (2020). Build Back Happier - A letter to the Prime Minister (2020).


Transcript CEP 30th anniversary lecture: Looking back and looking forward. 27 November 2020. Accompanying slides.


Wellbeing as the Goal of Policy (with O'Donnell and Kerslake). 2019. (494)


The Lens of Happiness. A note to the DG of the BBC. 2019. (495).


Healthy Minds: A four- year course in secondary schools, report. (with Bailey, L., Coleman, J., and Judge, E). Centre for Economic Performance. 2018.


"Direct wellbeing measurement and policy appraisal: a discussion paper" (with P. Frijters) Working paper. February 2018.


Increasing Access to Psychological Therapies. 2017. (428).


"Wellbeing measurement and cost-effectiveness analysis", Working paper, July 2016


How Mental Health Loses Out in the NHS, The Centre for Economic Performance's Mental Health Policy group, June 2012


"Improving Tier 2-3 CAMHS", July 2009


"A Job Guarantee", with Paul Gregg, March 2009


The Depression Report: A New Deal for Depression and Anxiety Disorders, The Centre for Economic Performance's Mental Health Policy group, June 2006.


“Mental health: Britain’s biggest social problem?", Paper presented at the No.10 Strategy Unit Seminar on Mental Health, 20th January 2005.


Complete list of publications can be found in Richard Layard's CV.

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